If you are wanting to contact one of us 1984 the best thing to do is call us at 417-831-3665 anytime from 4PM to 11PM Wednesday to Saturday.

If you are wanting to contact someone outside our normal hours you can reach out to us on Facebook. Someone will typically reply to you in about 24 hours. This is good for questions not found on the website.
If you want to book a party — you have to call us. Wed. to Sat. 4PM to 11PM. We don’t book over the internet or make calls, sorry.

You can read details about what kind of PARTIES we offer by clicking here.
If you want to book a party — you have to call us. Wed. to Sat. 4PM to 11PM. We don’t book over Facebook messenger or emails. We also don’t make calls based on Facebook contact request, you’ll need to call us.